Bex Blargh

For more personal rants and raves, see my other blog at

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Another puppy!

I keep going back and forth between the silly and gross and the cute. I did another puppy for the baby's room. I'm not sure how much more to do so I might wait until we get the room painted and set up before I do much else.

By the way, any good ways to hang things by ribbon without putting a nail in the wall? Seems a shame to get the room all nice and painted and then put holes in the walls. Also I'd like the flexibility to rearrange the art work over time. I know there are non-permanent sticky hooks (for lack of a better description) but they are kind of large. Maybe there are smaller versions?

So here is the Scotty dog, looking all prim and proper. Again, I got this from French Knots.

Embroidered Scotty

Embroidered Scotty

I wish I hadn't continued the thread near his neck but oh well. I still like this little guy!

So there ya go! I finished the stitching a while ago but finally got off my lazy behind to stretch it over the canvas. I think the next project will be another humorous piece using an established pattern.

Stay tuned!
