So while I'm stitching, I'm also watching a ton of movies and tv shows on Netflix. It helps to pass the time. I'm mainly watching episodes of Bones. Once in a while I get a hankering for a bad horror movie. Ron and I ran across The Human Centipede which we started watching last month but I shut it off after 30 minutes. How f*cking disturbing!!! Has anyone seen this? Right now I'm exhausted from a workout and a pain pill so I told Ron if ever we are to finish this movie, now is the time. Who the hell thinks up this stuff? I really hope this guy dies a horrible death in the end. Wow.
So in viewing this, um, film I have run across some hilarious interpretations on Etsy.
Funny shit but an extremely messed up movie.
We also watched Wolfman the other night. I don't recommend it. It was extremely long and del Toro's acting wasn't very good. Maybe I'm just more of a zombie girl though.
I finally caught Congo which, as you should know, contains about 5 minutes of my beloved Bruce Campbell. I had to see the whole thing though. It wasn't as bad as it could have been although the lead actor's hair was quite distracting. We also gave Zombie Strippers a try. John Hawkes was in it. Wtf? I didn't even see him. Maybe if we had been able to watch the whole thing, we would have caught his performance. But not even Robert Englund and Jenna Jameson could compel us to watch more than 15 minutes of this train wreck. Christ, at least Traci Lords is in some funny movies.
My blogging skills suck today. I think I'm too out of it to think straight let alone be witty and creative. So I'll close this with a photo of my LMAO bookmark. Did your ass really fall off because you laughed so hard? Really? If so, maybe it looked like this.
Have a groovy Sunday. Tschus!
I saw an image of the human centipede but I didn't know it was a movie. I see that it's on Netflix. I can't wait until Friday. "Hey, honey, we're watching a surprise movie tonight!"
ReplyDeleteYour wife will hate me before I even have a chance to meet her! lol