I'm not sure how to start this post so I'll just go through technical details first and see what happens.
I started this from a photo that Ron took of me the night we got our first positive pregnancy test. Seeing the word "Pregnant" on the stick was amazing. I always wondered how I'd really feel about it and I felt a rush of happiness. I've never seen such a wide smile on Ron's face before! We laughed, I cried, and then we just settled into a state of nerves and giddiness. Vowing not to tell hardly a soul, we ended up spilling the beans to some friends, his mother and a few coworkers.
As many of you know, that is the kiss of death on an early pregnancy. Why this is, I'm not sure. The happier you are and the more people you tell right away, the greater your chances are of losing it.
Anyways, you can read the miscarriage story here if you don't know it already.
I printed off the never-before shared photo from that night on a piece of fabric designed for computer printers. Then I found an image from good 'ol Google of an outline of the female form. I traced it onto the photo fabric and free-formed a very crude uterus and blood puddle.
This piece is about irony and grief. It's a juxtaposition of the happy, obligatory smiling face next to a positive pee stick and the blank, mute form of a woman, bleeding onto the ground.
To be honest, just manipulating the original photo and then stitching this up made me a little sick to my stomach. There were tears. I had to pause a few times and just do something else for a bit. However, it is finished and now the preoccupation I've had for several weeks over this project is laid to rest. When I look at this, I see happiness, pain and some peace. It's almost as if during the process of creating something, you take all those emotions out of your head and put it into your piece. I can visit the piece and go through the emotions if I choose to, or I can just reflect on it.
There you have it. Art therapy. Eventually I'll get some mounting board and frame it so it can join other pieces on my art wall.
Thanks for reading and looking at it. I appreciate comments but don't feel obligated. Tschus. :)
Art's definitely like therapy. it's very safe feeling. when I'm making art time goes so fast and I wish I had more of it. When I'm not making art time goes slowly and I wish it would pass. I didn't know they made computer fabric paper.
ReplyDeleteYes, it's a bit pricey. Around $12-15 for 4 or 5 sheets. But you can order it online or buy it at Hobby Lobby.
ReplyDeleteWow, this piece is amazing! I know how hard this experience can be and I appreciate you having the courage to share this piece. I really do love it, even if it is such a painful subject.