Bex Blargh

For more personal rants and raves, see my other blog at

Thursday, February 6, 2014


Please have patience, I am working on re-branding my Etsy, Facebook and blog. Please stay tuned!!!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Need more stitchy goodness!

Holy hell it's been a long time since I updated this blog. Child rearing is time consuming. And messy. And expensive. Also, antidepressants really sap the creative urge. That explains why all artists are crazy.

I have managed to squeak out another piece for my video game series, finally. I loved loved LOVED this game when I was in high school!! Thanks to new and awesome technology, we downloaded this on the Wii. It never gets old. I give you Toejam & Earl.

Sorry for the watermark, but in the age of Pinterest and people blatantly ripping off your work, it's a necessity.

So this is the second in a series on video games, except my Galaga piece sold at the county fair. So I need to make a new one! But before I do that, I have a couple of other projects to finish. So until their completion, I bid you adieu. Or tschus. :)

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

More wreathy goodness

I saw a tutorial for these really cute snowman wreaths so I gave it a try. I was unable to get all the supplies but I think they turned out well. I put a couple in my shop to see what happens. I hope they can get some views in the massive wreath overload on Etsy!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Bex vs. The Solicitors

This past year we've had a lot of people coming to the door to sell this and that. I hate getting stuck talking to them and a couple I've had to almost argue with to get them to realize NO means NO. NO also means GO AWAY. I've seen No Solicitation stickers on people's front doors and they look so unattractive. But I need something to get these sales people to stop coming to our home. So I decided to make something Bex style.

Here is what I made to advertise our "no solicitation" policy. I need to get an appropriate frame and hang it on the front door. The biggest problem with displaying this on my door is that the front of the house faces west. In the summer, the heat and light is very intense on that side of the house. It would only take one season for the fabric and threads to fade considerably. So I guess I'll keep it by the front door and if someone rings the bell, I'll just shove it in their face. Maybe bare my teeth too.

I hope you like it! I put it in my Etsy shop just in case anyone wants one. I'll make them to order instead of creating several to have on hand. Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

A departure from the norm

Hello friends! Sorry I haven't been posting or creating lately. Galaga took a lot out of me, but I'm back in the game again! I made something pretty today which is not my normal type of creating. However I am really excited that it's looking more like fall outside these days. I'm tired of the damn heat.

So in my zeal for fall weather, I got my meager fall decorations out and put them in the house. I have a little decoration in the front yard but the front door is bare and boring. I got a wild hair up my ass to decorate a wreath with some fall colors. I packed up the bambino and off to Hobby Lobby we went!

Let me start by saying I've never made a wreath in my life. But after looking at the pre-decorated ones at the store (which cost $100!), I figured even a beginner like me could make at least something presentable. I really liked the look of the grape vine wreaths but had no idea how messy they were. I will have to get a plastic wreath storage box eventually because if this thing gets tossed around in the basement too much, it's not going to last long. Also, the grape vine wreaths are really inexpensive.

Since I live in the Sunflower State, I felt it fitting to use some artificial sunflowers in muted fall hues. Sticking to the same range of colors (orange and yellow), I picked out pretty flowers of different varieties. I had no idea what kinds of tools I needed so I made sure to get my first glue gun (yay!), ribbon and some floral wire. The floral wire wasn't needed for this project but it was inexpensive and I'm sure I can use it for something else later.

First I loosely twisted some ribbon around the wreath and glued the ends to the back. Then I snipped the stems of the flowers and the other do-dads, experimented with the placement and finally, applied glue to the stems and stuck them into the wreath. I hope everything stays in place!

Here it is on the door. I could probably find a more attractive wreath hook. For now I'm really happy with how my first, spur-of-the-moment wreath turned out.

Thanks for putting up with my country-esque crafting! Back to weird things with skulls and another video game cross-stitch! Tschus!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Galaga is here!

Finally! I worked like crazy on this piece and it turned out so well! The pattern took me days to fine tune and my gamer husband critiqued the details. Stitching took a while but it was worth it. What do you think? I am not sure what I'll do with it right now, but eventually it will be for sale. I'm already working on another gamer pattern so stay tuned!

Galaga cross stitched

Galaga detail

Sunday, June 10, 2012

ROFL Copter

I can't believe I forgot to post the ROFL Copter! I made one of these a long time ago and gave it away. I just made a new one recently, but made it with glow-in-the-dark floss to make it more fun. It's in the Etsy store if you want to purchase it. I can always make more if needed. I love me a good ROFL.